Sunday, 3 May 2009

Safe Dogs

I have bought myself a new car crate this week for the doggies, it was something I'd been thinking about for a while, but couldn't decide on which one. I had almost decided on a tailgate guard when a friend suggested that if (heaven forbid) any form of car accident was to happen, the quarter lights (which are as big as normal windows in my car) can break leaving the dogs free to escape - so that swiftly changed my plan onto deciding which cage to get.

I had been looking around and getting recommendations on which would be the best, then I came across the Safe Dog cages which caught my eye partly because they look good, but the big bonus is that they have been crash tested. Last Wednesday evening we went to see Gill and Derek at Safe Dog who were really helpful and friendly, letting Kiah and Yahoo test out all of the cages and guards and giving them their seal of approval! One of the things that sometimes unnerves Kiah when she travels, is if the cage rattles or moves, but this is quiet, solidly built and securely fixed into the car. So not surprisingly, based on all of these positives, this was the cage I picked!

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