Saturday, 31 March 2012

Risky Roodles Pup-date

I thought it was about time that Risk got another little post about himself, as he's been doing a bit of growing up recently, he's not a tiny puppy any more, more of an adolescent at 6 months (and one week!) and certainly turning into a very lovely, happy, confident little dog. He is quite chunky and has a really lovely thick jet black coat, with a sweet face too. We have decided that he must have some kind of 'ewok' type creature in his make-up, as he when he is really happy or sees someone he really likes, he loves to 'talk' to them, its very funny!!

Part of the rescue rules is that he had to be castrated by 6 months, so he was all booked in quickly and dropped off one morning two weeks ago - to stop me thinking and worrying about him. The day was over quickly thankfully, and when I went to pick him up he was just as happy, none the wiser, still 'awwooooing' and yodelling - telling me all his woes! He has been really good wearing his cone - when he was on 'parole' from it when we could keep an eye on him, he never once tried to get to his wound - plus the vet that did the snip did an absolutely fantastic job, I know its a routine operation but I've never seen such tiny stitches, and it has healed perfectly.

I have started doing a very little bit of training with Risk, not anything serious just little bits of fun, playing with his tuggy toys, little bits of basic obedience, learning lefts and rights, practising waits, and balance tricks on his peanut ball and wobble board, which he loves. We have also been lucky enough to be invited to two fab sessions with Nancy and Leah, just puppy foundation and was really pleased with how good Risk was, and how much he enjoyed it.

As the clocks have now changed - which is just great as its SO much lighter for longer, we will probably do a few more agility practice in the garden - I am so so pleased that we looked for a big garden when looking to move house, not just for agility but its so much fun to watch Risk and usually Kiah, having the room to play properly whenever they feel like it!! We may start doing some more proper training after Easter, but not before a couple of what are going to be great fun - and really quite big - proper season agility shows, Risk socialising some more, Kiah competing, and watch this space, nearer to the summer, even Davy might start his agility career!!

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