Well Christmas and the New Year have been and gone, and unfortunately so has the well needed 10 days worth of time off that came with it - tomorrow I am back to work! But along with a new year of work, comes a new year full of goals, hopes, dreams, aspirations, for me personally, and for me and Kiah as a team too.
Last year was a year of success in agility and at home, I met a great new guy called Alex (who Kiah absolutely adores!), we are really happy and having a great time, enjoying life. I have also made some genuine new friends, had a successful year at work, got back in contact - through Facebook - with some old friends that I had lost touch with, and am now the sole owner of my house (apart from the bank of course!), all things which I am very happy about.
Aside from that on a personal level, Kiah came 3rd in the Agility Club Starters Challenge, won into Grade 2 at the BATS show, got lots of places in Grade 2 including 2 jumping wins towards Grade 3, and qualified for Crufts 09 in breed classes, achievements which I am so proud of her for. She is still as nutty as ever which I love her for, and will never be the easiest dog to get around an agility course due to her speed, but I cannot fault her contacts (!), enthusiasm and giving it her all, 100% of the time, who could ask for anything more.
This year my main aim is to get Kiah into Grade 3 and as an extra hope, to get some top 10 places though it will mean a lot of hard work. This isnt so that we can just 'move up the grades' but to give her and me more of a challenge. I am also looking forward to seeing and catching up with my friends at agility shows, holidays that involve agility, running my dog, challenging courses, and fingers crossed for lots of nice weather. I am really REALLY excited about 2009!!