Oh dear, bad-Mally-blogger, I have just noticed that it has been a month since I updated my blog, and yet so much has been going on! On one of our long walks at the weekends over at the local country park I managed to get this nice picture of Kiah with a big smile on her face.
Well anyway, back to the update...the biggest event we were at was Crufts, Kiah was in the Post-Graduate class which had 5 entries and so I didn't think Kiah had much of a chance, but she showed brilliantly and she ended up coming 2nd! Very proud of my beautiful girl, and well dones to all 3 of her litter mates who took the top places too! But really big Congratulations must go to Jo and Ronny for getting the RCC and Reserve Best Dog, and of course a mention must go to Dave and Rusty, for not only coming 2nd in her breed class, but winning the ABC jumping too. Crufts really is a great experience, it will be nice to go again next year, and hopefully one day we will qualify to get there for the agility too.
Last weekend me and Lisa decided to take a trip to the WAG show on Sunday, which was another positive and fun day. Lisa got some great places with all of her dogs, including 2 2nd places with Inca, a 3rd with Kane, and a 6th with Meme. I had never been to one of these shows before, and I really enjoyed it, great atmosphere and people, with all my runs being very positive. I trained Kiah in the agility though she was running amazingly well, and in the 3-7 helter skelter run which was the best, Kiah ended up in 4th place behind two Grade 7 dogs and a Grade 6, really pleased with that. But as well as our agility and helping on ring party, the dogs had a fantastic time down on the beach generally doing what Belgians do best, running around as fast as they possibly can without a care in the world, scaring seagulls away, lots of barking and having a great time!!
I am itching (not literally!) to get back into the agility season now, training is fun and enjoyable but it seems like forever since we have had a proper outdoor competition and I can catch up with the rest of my agility friends. I am not TOO fussed about the conditions, though saying that it would be great if we could have warm and dry weather this year as it is always so much nicer and puts people in a better mood/frame of mind. I think I will have to start a countdown, it is only 2 weeks and 2 days til our first agility show...